Friday, July 3, 2009

all because of HIM. ;))

Haha. It seems that I’m really addicted with someone. Everything happens so badly. Haha. My life.. I mean OUR life was placed in trouble because of a little. Haha. I just can’t help myself but to laugh. I remember crazy things I’ve done just few hours and few days from now. Hahahaha. I want to laugh. LOL. Hahahaha again. I simply can’t imagine myself doing such things. But some say that it’s natural and common if they hear those things that I’ve done. I’m blaming him. But I don’t want to get mad because he really seemed to be different for me.. The way he smiles, he talks and stares at me. Its all glamorous. And I’m very flattered because I finally know him not just by name, but also as one of my friends. Haha. Haha.

Hit the ball dude. Take care of it. I’m just right here on my window keep on shouting your name. Haha. LOL. ;DD

—— ——-. ;D

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